The Game
The Chronicles
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Key Allies
Key Villains
Fallen Heroes

Dark Kingdoms
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Shadow Abilities

Character Sheet
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The Legions

 The Silent Legion- is comprised of those who died of suicide or martyred themselves for a cause or another person. The Legion is overseen by the Quiet Lord, who occupies the seat of Silence. The original Quiet Lord has thought to have been Socrates, altho the seat is now occupied by Spartacus.
 The Legion of Paupers- is comprised of those wraiths who do not remember their lives among the living. The Legion is overseen by the Beggar Lord, who occupies the Seat of Golden Tears.
 The Emerald Legion- is comprised of those who died of accidents. The Legion is overseen by the Emerald Lord, who occupies the Seat of Thorns.
 The Grim Legion- is comprised of those who have died through violence. The Legion is overseen by the Smiling Lord, wo occupies the Seat of Burning Waters.
 The Iron Legion- is comprised of those who have died of old age and natural causes. The Legion is overseen by the Ashen Lady, who occupies the Seat of Shadows.
 The Penitent Legion- is comprised of those who died through madness. The Legion is overseen by the Laughing Lady, who occupies the Seat of Succor.
 The Gaunt Legion- is comprised of those who died of disease and famine. The Legion is overseen by the Skeletal Lord, who occupies the Seat of Dust.
 The Legion of Fate- is comprised of those who have the mark of Fate upon them. The Legion is overseen by the Regent of Fate, as the Lady of Fate refused to take the Seat of Fate.

 The Ranks of the Hierarchy-

 Military Ranks-
Legionnaire: Legionnaires are the workhorse and lowest rank in the military.
Centurion: Centurions are wraiths who oversee a patrol and it's legionnaires.
Marshal: Marshals oversee a small domain outside the Citadel and have several patrols assigned to them.
Regent: A well trusted Marshal, these Marshals have domains far outside the Citadel and have even more patrols assigned to them.
Overlord: Usually the Anaceron's assistant, and has the full wieght of the Anaceron's voice.
Anaceron: The highest ranking Hierarch in the Necropolis.

 Civilian Ranks-
Clerks: Lowest rank of civilian.
Adjusters: This rank supervises the activities of several clerks, they also serve as staff aides to higher ranking officials.
Inspectors: In charge of administering a particular area around the Citadel.
Minister: Department heads and overseers of Inspectors.
Chancellor: The civilian equivalent to Overlords.