The Game
The Chronicles
New York Info
Residents of NYC
Halls and Haunts
House Rules
The Cohort
Character Stories
Key Allies
Key Villains
Fallen Heroes

The Legions
Dark Kingdoms
The Heretics
Shadow Abilities

Character Sheet
E-mail Bork

Alternate Arts and Basic Abilities

Tempest Run ****, Moving Haunt ****, Return **
Shadow Summons *****, Confession **, Mask Castigation(G) **, Transfer Angst(G) ***, Mass Chastisement(G) ****, Shadow Screen(G) ****, Shadow Wrack(G) *****, Attunement *, Storm Quell ***
Love's Last Rememberance(B) ****
Scrying(aba), Distant Visions(G) *, Quick Read(G) **, Malocchio(G) **, Pulling Strings(G) ***, Tangles(G) ****, Ensnare(G) *****, Fated Course(G) ****, Fate's Hand Apparent(G) ***, Eldritch Awareness(G) *****, Lachesis' Prophecy(B) ****,
Shadow Weapon ****, Impress *****, Lightning Bite(G) *, Flawsight(G) **, Sympathy(G) ***, Creeping Rot(G) ****, Kinesis(G) *****, Command Line(G) *, Reconstruction(G) **, Wipe(G) ***, Hi Mom(G) ****, Horizontal/Vertical Control(G) *****, Store(B) ****,
Spectre Song ***, Sound the Call(B) ****
Early Warning ***, Following the Web ***, Strengthen Fetter(B) ****,
Embed ***, Lizard Tail(G) *, Skinmold(G) *, Calsify(G) **, Desperation's Lash(G) **, Chorus of Throats(G) ***, Volley(G) ***, Chrysalis(G) ****, Girding(G) ****, Cripple(G) *****, Kiln(G) *****, Soothe(G) *****, Coin(B) ***
Affect Speed of Object(G) *, After Image(G) *, Recoil(G) **, Wrench in the Gears(G) **, Irresistable force/Immovable Object(G) ***, Relic Wrap(G) ***, Shroud Shield(G) ****, Bilocation(G) ****, Center of Gravity(G) *****, Corsican Syndrome(G) *****,
Biting Wound(B) ****
Tumorous Growth(L) **, Mouth of Madness(G)(ABA), Scripture(G) *, Wild Bloom(G) *, Bite Me(G) **, Fooled You(G) **, Stretch Reality(G) ***, Stigmata(G) ****, Form of Chaos(G) ****, Death's Caul(G) *****, Instill the Madness(B) ****
Cognizance(G) *, Conclave(G) *, Lingua(G) *, Inspire(G) **, Mending(G) ***, Incubus(G) ****, Oneiataria(G) *****, Supplant(G) *****
Skin Ride Animal(G) *, Control Creature(G) **, Obliterate Animal(G) ***, Manipulate Herd(G) ****, Shadow Posses(G) *****, Analyze(G) *, Alter Vital Signs(G) **, Healing(G) ***, Faint(G) ****, Marionette(G) *****
Sustanence *****
Disease(L) ***


G= Guild members only, L= Legion, B= created by Bork ABA= Alternate Basic Ability