Current Chronicle
New York Info
Residents of NYC
Halls and Haunts
The Story Thus Far
The Cohort

Character Stories
Key Allies
Key Villians
Fallen Heroes

The Legions
Dark Kingdoms
Alternate Arts

Character Sheet
E-mail Bork

House Rules

Character Creation
Use the standard character creation, with the following exceptions:
  You must use either my Legion, Renegade, or Heretic write up rules.
  No stats above three for starting level characters.
  Shadow creation will be done by me and your Shadowguide, and the Psyche    player will not know these stats, nor have access to them. The Shadowguide    spends all Shadow exp.

Merits and Flaws
These Merits and Flaws are banned and are not allowed:
   Luck, Weak Shadow.

During Catharsis, the Shadowguide takes over the wraith's actions, not the Psyche player. It's a little more dramatic this way.

Since our games go from hardly any Shadow involvement, to can't shut them up, I have decided to make this rule. Shadows may only speak an equal number of times to their Permanent Angst score, and must speak at least three times(unless of course their Angst is two or lower). They may however, use Thorns as many times as they can afford.

Experience Costs
Attribute=Current x4
New Ability=3
Ability=Current rating x2
New Arcanos=7
Arcanos=Current rating x3
Willpower=Current rating

Shadow Experience costs
Thorns=Original Thorn cost
Temporary Angst=Current rating
Dark Passions=Dark Passion rating x2