The Emerald Legion

"You ever heard the story of Mr. Faded glory? Says he who rides the pony must someday fall." -Mother Love Bone

He remembered that night vividly. The twisted chrome, plastic, and metal that had once been his car. He could still feel the hard pavement on his back, and he could still smell the other drivers breath, laden with alcohol. He was never sure how long he laid there in the middle of the night. Tonight, though everything was going to be different. Tonight, he was going to make things even, and he knew there was no turning back.

The Emerald Legion

The greatest fear is not death, it's dying for nothing. No great cause, love, nor even great pain drove these wraiths to their deaths. It was an accident. Many of them left behind family, friends, futures, all for nothing.

Many find little solace in their new existance. Some throw themselves into their work, hoping to forget what they left behind. Others try to resolve their past so that they may deal with their future. Whatever the case, these wraiths have much to lose for their tries to the quick still burn strong.

Common Archetypes(Ranked by Frequency)

Common Shadows(Ranked by Frequency)

Merits & Flaws

Inspiration 5 pt merit
  Your accident has inspired those that were close to you, to prevent it from ever happening again by forming an oraganization. Perhaps you are the reason exists today. you start the game with 2 pts in Memoriam, 2 pts in Eidolon, and 1 pt in Legacy.

Mangled Corpus 2 pt flaw
 Your accident has left your corpus in rough shape. -1 to all appearence rolls untill you have it moliated.

Common Arcanos Because of their sensless deaths, many of these wraiths never had the chance to resolve many loose ends. Embody lets them do just that. A wraith in the Emerald Legion begins the game with one free dot in Embody.

Legion Arcanos

**** Love's last rememberance
A wraith using this art can attune himself to a mortal he has strong feelings for. He will find that around this person the shroud is weaker. System-Roll Manipulation+Embody diff 8 each two successes lowers the shroud by one. Note the shroud can never be lower than 1. This art costs two pathos and one willpower.

Rarest arcanos Because of the nature of their deaths, many of these wraiths lack strong fetters. They find Lifeweb hard to use. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.

Famous Circles and Orders

Deacon's patrol-This circle was recently decorated for their bravery at the New York necropolis. During the worst renegade offensive in decades, these wraiths almost single-handedly destroyed or captured thirty renegades.

The Lost Circle of Job- One decade ago a strange opening appeared just outside the London necropolis. This circle went into the opening to investigate. They have not been heard from since.

The Emerald Lord

Not much is known about this Deathlord. Certain names have been suggested; Marilyn, Earhart, but only one wraith knows for certain, and he will only comment; "I admire him, very much." -Gen. Patton Overlord of the Legion of Paupers Of course he admires him, he studied him at West Point.

History After his death in 1863, he found himself involved in another batlle. This one in the shadowlands. He was conscripted by the Emerald legion commander and sent to organize a patrol. He found several wraiths and within hours the tide of the battle had turned. The current Deathlord seeing this lemure do so well, where his experienced men failed, he gave a post to him. He knew no other life, but the military so he used his keen military mind to teach others. In 1910 the Deathlord was lost to oblivion, and without anyone's knowledge, he took up the mask which he holds to this day.

The Emerald Lord Stonewall Jackson
Life: Soldier
Death: Accident(he was accidently shot in the back by his own troops)
Regret: Failure
Nature/Demeanor: Survivor/Critic
Backgrounds:Memoriam 3, Status 9

Strict, demanding, and brutally honest, Stonewall expects quite abit from his men. He may not be very popular, but he succeeds.

Relations with others
Allies: Paupers, Silent
Opposed: Grim, Gaunt
Neutral:Iron, Penitent, Fate
Views on the others

Silent- "They gave up what was robbed from us. I can be sympathetic, but what a waste of life that was."

Paupers- "It's a wonder how they could forget their lives like that. In a way it's their blessing. Or maybe a curse."

Grim- "Bullys and ruffians, all of 'em. They're not in it for the cause of it. They're in it to inflict pain. Sick bastards."

Gaunt- "Sad, but I don't like the way they are so chummy with the Grims. You think they would hate each other. polotics makes for strange bedfellows."

Iron- "In a way they're lucky. Imagine the wisdom of age and the body of a twenty year old. Damn.."

Penitent- "Nuts and oddballs. Sure, they're on our side, but do they know there is a war going on?"

Fate- "They are the big mystery. What's so special about these guys? Very diverse, almost like a pattern."

Renegades- "Every government has it's dissidents. These just don't want to listen to reason. Oh well."

Heretics- "Religion is fine, but when it dominates your every thought, then it becomes brainwashing."

Transcendence- "I don't know. They said there was an after life and well there is. Sort of. Well who knows?"