"Don't try to do it, don't try to kill
your times you might do it, then you can't change your mind You have to
hold on to your times till you break through these times of trouble."
-Temple of the Dog
The bathwater was an off red color
now. So were the words, he thought as he continued to stare at the letter
through heavy eyes. But it was the two words that kept running through
his head; Irreconsilable Differences. It kept at him, and he could hear
it in her voice. He slipped under the lukewarm water for a moment. He could
hear his heart and it was slowing. Good it was time. It was time. Cold
he sat up. No longer was he in his tub. His vision blurry he stood up.
All around he could hear sounds. He rubbed his eyes and looked around again.
Something fell from his face and he could see. It was his bathroom alright,
but it looked...old. He turned to the tub, and collapsed when he saw what
was laying there. {Irreconsilable differences} His body looked bloated,
and his nose...he turned away, face in his hands. "Get up, son."
Startled he stood. A tall man with a strange breastplate was looking at
him. "Who are you! What are you?" Tony stammered. "Josh
of the Legion of Paupers. Legionnaire of the Republic of Stygia. I see
we have joined the Silent legion," he said looking at the body. Tony
looked at his body laying in the tub, and he knew then he had made a mistake.
The Silent Legion
To be one of the Silent legion is to be one
of the forsaken. These poor souls who thought that ending their lives would
be the end all. The promise of Heaven, or Hell, or even nothingness unfulfilled,
they are tortured by their continued existence. That is what it means to
be one of the legion.
Or so they say.
There are many who live up to the stereotype,
but not all. Some see this as a second chance, others as a way to finally
"live". Whatever the case may be, this is where they belong,
and this is where they are taught to serve.
Common Archetypes(Ranked by frequency)
Common Shadows(Ranked by frequency)
Merits and Flaws
Mark of Honor 2pt merit
For something you did
in the past that the legion was impressed by you were given this honor.
It gives you a +1 to all social rolls outside your legion. It gives a +2
to all social rolls in your legion.
Mark of Shame 2pt flaw
For something that you
did in the past that the legion considered shameful you were marked for
it. It gives you a -1 to all social rolls outside your legion, while in
your legion it's a -2.
Deaths reminder 2pt flaw
Some wraiths(especially
the Silent legion) have the visage of their death upon their corpus. Example
if you slit your wrists your corpus would have slit wrists as well. Attempts
to moliate this will fail.
The most common arcanos is, strangely enough, Keening. No one is sure why,
but there are many theories. The most prominent one is that maybe their
final desperate cry for help and attention was finally given voice. All
Silent Legion begin the game with a free dot in Keening.
Legion Arcanos
**** Sound the Call
The Silent Legion was
the first to use this art to send messages in a domain. Using an elaborate
system of notes, a legionnaire can sen a vocal message to anyone within
a three mile radius without compromising the message.
System: Roll Stamina+Keening(difficulty 7) This art costs 2 pathos.
The rarest arcanos found in the Silent legion
is Puppetry. It's said that their suicide severed their ties with life
and that returning to that life is just too hard for them. All pathos,
willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.
Famous Circles and Orders
The Order of Simon- This order believes that
their wraithly existence is a travesty. They work to help those wraiths
who wish to rest in peace.
The Bearers of Light- This circle helps
spread the word of Transcendance to their legionary brothers. While they
are not highly regarded they are left alone.
The Quiet Lord
There are many rumors as to who he/she is,
and just as many candidates. Socrates, Paul the Apostle, and Joan of Arc,
have all been rumored to be the Quiet lord. Speculation continues and the
Deathlord has remained silent.
History -After his defeat in 71bc, he was assumed
dead. His remaining men were rounded up and asked to identify his body.
The men knowing he was alive and among them would not comply. The Romans,
angered by this, gave an ultimatum that if no one would identify him they
would all be crucified. Knowing that his men would never give him up, he
stood, but his men began to stand as well and hundreds of voices cried;
"I'm Spartacus!" The Romans decided to crucify all of them. Many
became wraiths, and Spartacus and his men joined the Hierarchy after witnessing
the forces of oblivion at work. He served the legion well and soon rose
up the ranks. In 217ad Socrates Transcended, and Spartacus became the Quiet
Lord where he has served to this day.
The Quiet Lord Spartacus
Life: Gladiator
Death: Martyr
Regret: Failure
Nature/Demeanor: Leader/Visionary
Backgrounds: Eidolon 5, Legacy 3, Status 9, Memoriam 3
Spartacus is one of the oldest Deathlords.
He has kept himself from Transcending out of a strong sense of duty towards
his legion. Lately, he has been alarmed at the way the Hierarchy has been
fracturing into seven different factions. He has been trying to change
this, but has met with little success.
Relations with the others
Allies: Paupers, Emerald
Opposed: Grim, Gaunt
Neutral: Iron, Fate, Penitant
Views of the others
Paupers- "These mystery men have got it
easy. I'd like my former life to be erased."
Emerald- "Accidents can happen, and that's
too bad. The make nice comrades though."
Grim- "All these guys want to do is fight,
or swamp you with red tape. Give them a wide berth and maybe they won't
bust you up. Maybe."
Iron- "Wise men and women. They have the
true wisdom that comes with age. Listen to them well."
Penitent- "Their madness is their weakness.
Cold, calculating, brrrrr."
Gaunt- "These are a pitiable bunch. They
don't talk much, and they're worth even less."
Fate- "Nice enough folks. Odd how they
all fit together like that."
Renegades- "Sure this ain't the greatest
system, but it's all we've got. These guys would tear it all down and then
Heretics- "Fanatics, all of them. Dangerous
ones too. All of them, just chasing a pipe dream."
Transcendence- "Do I *Look* like I believe
in transcendence!"