"Wait upon a blackened sky far beyond
the glaring streetlights sleeping on empty dreams." -Sarah Mclachlan
I like to come up here at times. Just to stare
out at the city lights. I don't know why, but it calms me after a patrol.
It seems funny cause the neon looks infected and the buildings look delapitated,
but hey it's home. It's been two years since I joined the legion, and I
still don't feel like it's important work. Oh I know the whole "We're
doing the Lady's work", but what about us. What about me? Why am I
here? I'm tired of looking for some missing icon. I mean he's gone right?
There's the whistle, time to go back out. Maybe we'll give up this wild
goose chase.
The Legion of Fate
Fate, destiny, kismet, call it what you will.
Each of us has it, a predetermined path that encompasses our life. Be it
good or bad, fate cannot be cheated, nor bribed for she has spun the web
that guides us all.
The men and women of this legion are not chosen
because of the circumstances of their deaths. Nor are they chosen because
of the lives they led. They are chosen by the Lady of Fate for reasons
only she knows. And the Lady keeps her secrets.
Common Archetypes(Ranked by frequency)
Common Shadows(Ranked by frequency)
Common Arcanos
When these wraiths cross over they are branded with fate's mark on their
right cheek. This mark comes with a heavy responsibility, and a true understanding
of her power. Fatalism comes naturally to these wraiths and they use it
Legion Arcanos
**** Lachesis' Prophecy
With the use of this art a wraith may cast a prophecy
about a person, place, or object. The wraith is given a cryptic vision
of a future event tied with that he cast it upon.
System- Roll Perception+Fatalism diff 8. Each success means the vision
becomes clearer and longer. These visions can last from a minute to several
hours. This art costs 2 pathos and 1 willpower.
Rarest Arcanos Because of their connection
with fate and the lives she touches, they find Inhabit the hardest to learn.
They find machines cold, inhuman, and unfeeling. All pathos, willpower,
and angst costs are increased by one.
Merits & Flaws
The Right Hand of Destiny 5 pt merit
Not only
were you chosen by fate once, but twice. You have been given a sacred power,
the power of recruitment. You may mark a mortal as fates own. Upon their
death they will cross over and will be branded with the mark of Fate. You
may only use this power eight times and then it is gone. This mark upon
you is a sixth finger upon your right hand, which will disappear when you
exhaust this power.
Arcanos Inept 6 pt flaw
For some reason you
are unable to learn and use an arcanos. You cannot use it and any attempts
to do so fail.
Famous Circles and Orders
The Order of Destiny's Divine- These wraiths
are handpicked by the Lady herself with another symbol found upon the corpus.
It is these wraiths duty to explore the Tempest, Shadowlands, and Skinlands
for one reason; to search for Charon. No one, exept the Order and the Lady,
knows of their true purpose. The symbol is a handprint over the heart.
League of Tidings- This order of prophets
reside in a temple inside the city of Stygia. It is said that a wraith
seeking wisdom should visit this temple.
The Lady Fate
Of all the Deathlords, none are more mysterious
as she. Some say she isn't a wraith, that she is a force of Nature. Only
she knows the truth.
History- After being rejected by her husband,
she had a vision. In her vision she saw a city on an isle and a man in
a mask. She sought him out, but didn't find him while she was alive. She
died and crossed over, and it was here that she found her island. Another
vision assaulted her, this time it was of a peasent boy leading many to
this isle of sanctuary. She resolved herself to find the boy. It took her
thousands of years, but she found him. She placed a mark upon his forehead
and watched him till the day he died. He crossed over and she instructed
him to lead these lost souls to an island. There he would build a city
to protect them. She gave that boy a name; Charon. After two thousand years,
that boy was lost in battle, and in that moment the Lady of Fate was shocked.
She had not forseen this event. She gathered her most trusted legionaires
and sent them looking for him.
The Lady of Fate Lachesis Second wife of Adam
Life: Oracle
Death: Old age
Regret: Rejection
Nature/Demeanor: See appearence.
Backgrounds: Eidolon 5, Artifact 5, Legacy 5, Status 12
Appearance: The Lady's mask makes her appear as three different women;
A sultry young woman, a plump middle age woman, and an old woman. While
they seem to have three different personalities, they really are one person.
Young woman/Temptress: Avant-Garde
Middle Aged woman/Wife: Caregiver
Old woman/Crone: Critic
Ever since Charon's dissappearence, Lady Fate
has been desperately looking for her lost boy. So far no success.
Relations with the others
Allies: None
Neutral: All
Views of the others
Silent- "Their lives were more precious
than they thought. It is good that they have a second chance."
Paupers- "While they have forgotten their
lives, their destinies still wait for them."
Emerald- "They believe their deaths were
for nothing, but we know different."
Iron- "They thought that they had lived
out their life's path, but we know that it has only just begun."
Penitent- "Madness leads to insight, insight
leads to truth. These wraiths understand much"
Gaunt- "Disease had not only taken their
lives, but it seems to have robbed them of their morality."
Grim- "They certainly are. They need to
look beyon the fight."
Renegades- "They fight out of hand, and
without understanding what they fight for."
Heretics- "The religious have their place,
and the fanatics have their harrows."
Transcendence- "Yes, I believe in it.
I hope to one day achieve it, but for now I am content."