The Iron Legion

"All in time, but the clock is another demon that devours our time in Eden." - 10,000 Maniacs

He laid there looking at the clock. Four am is all it had to say. He sighed and rolled over, and was startled by a presence in the room. "Who's there? Nurse?" The figure in the chair stood and crossed the room. "No need to worry," she said. "I'm not so much worried as surprised. Do I know you? you look familiar." He said reaching for the light. "You do, in a way." As he reached the light switch his hand went right through the wall. He jumped a little, then smiled and looked over to the bed. "I'm dead aren't I?" "Yes." "And I missed it. Are you here to take me to heaven? Or hell." "Neither, but I am here to collect you. There's a place right in the middle, and it needs your help. I need your help." "Why does it need me? I'm a tired old man, what good am I?" "Take my hand, Mr. Leary, I'll explain."

The Iron Legion

Certain things are inevitable. The slow failing, and withering of the body is one of them. While the spirit is strong, the flesh is weak and these wraiths epitomize this.

They have been given the blessings of a lifetime, to learn, to experience, to age. Their final rests suspended indefinately, they learn to adapt, and go on with their unlives. They have taken up the mantle of the wise man, the sage, the teacher, and they are respected for it.

Common Archetypes(Ranked by frequency)

Common Shadows(Ranked by frequency)

Common arcanos

The most common fact of all these wraiths lives, is that during the latter part of their lives were spent hooked to a life support machine. This machine kept them from crossing the shroud, their spirit trapped in a shell, begins to learn to explore other places. Inhabit is almost learned before they die. All Iron legion wraiths start with an automatic dot in Inhabit.

Legion arcanos
**** Store With this art the wraith is able to store pathos into an object. This pathos can be used by any wraith who holds the object.

System: The wraith rolls Stamina+Inhabit diff 7, for each two pathos installed. This art costs 2 pathos(Yes those are the ones to be stored)and 1 willpower.

Rarest Arcanos Because many of these wraiths simply gave up, they found their anger was sated. With death the last battle all of them had to face, many just let go. Outrage is hardest for them to learn simply because of this. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.

Merits & Flaws

Hearty 3 pt merit
  They don't make them like they used to, and you're proof of that. You used to walk miles to school, go to work, come home and do your chores. These new wraiths just don't measure up. You get one automatic success on any stamina roll.

Alzhiemers 4 pt flaw
 Unfortunately your death was caused by this horrible disease. And what's worse is you still suffer from it. Once per chapter a willpower roll diff7 is made to determine if you have an attack. If less than three successes are made, you lose one of your passions untill the end of the attack. These attacks usually last anywhere from an hour to six hours. If the willpower roll is a botch the passion is lost for good.

Famous Circles and Orders

The Recruiters- This circle generally hang out in hospitals, and elderly homes. They make sure that these incomming wraiths are processed correctly and not sent straight to the forges.

Rogers Crew- These wraiths were recently recognized for their timely help in making peace with the renegades in the Miami Necropolis. This temporary truce helped win the day against a spectere invasion.

The Ashen Lady

To say that a Legion is shaped by it's Deathlord is an understatement. The Iron Legion has remained relively the same for hundreds of years. This is due to the fact that their have only been three to reside in this mask.


After her death, she was quickly processed and put into a patrol. She served well for years untill she found out what her equipment was made of. Horrified, she planned on deserting until she came up with an idea. She worked even harder and became a valuble asset to the Legion. She was named as high Castiger in 1923 and a short decade later she bacame the Ashen Lady. It wasn't long after she became the Deathlord, that she began to realize her dream. She started(in a well done disguise) an underground movement to free those who were to be forged. It amuses her that her lifes work would continue into her deaths.

The Ashen Lady Harriet Tubman
Death- Old Age
Regret-Unfinished business.
Backgrounds- Eidolon 6, Legacy 3, Memoriam 4, Status 9

Harriet is begining to transcend, and she knows it. She has found her heir and shared her dream with him. Harriet has told no one about his crossing over and keeps him with her in the tower.

Relations with others
Views of the others

Silent- "We of all the legions, understand their need for death. Long pain and suffering that only ends with death. Yes we understand."

Paupers- "It is unfortunate that these wraiths have forgotten all of lifes lessons. Now they have only deaths harsh realities to teach them."

Emerald- "Many of them still long for life, and that is noble. The truth, however is that life is over and there is work to be done."

Grim- "It is sad that all they think about is paperwork and battle. They could be so much more if only they would temper their anger with mercy and wisdom."

Penitent- "In my day they locked these poor souls up. I'm glad we don't, but they are a bit disturbing."

Gaunt- "Disease is a sad fact of life. This legion makes it a part of death as well."

Fate- "I don't see the pattern here. Lady Fate just chooses those she likes. No big mystery."

Renegades- "Ever since my death, the Hierarchy has been my home. These wraiths would put that home to the flames. Why? Just to rebel?"

Heretics- "In my day there used to be snake oil salesmen. Good to know the times haven't changed that much."

Transcendance- "I believe in God in his heaven, and I believe in Lucifer in his hell. And I know I'm here to help those who fell through the cracks."