Necropolis: New York Harbor info

Harbor info and Tempestships

 The New York Necropolis is an important Hierarchy harbor city. It is here that most of the thrall trains, passenger ships, and caravans from Hierarchy Europe dock. The Necropolis charges tarriffs and docking fees on all ships, and is it's meat and drink. Without the harbor, the Necropolis would be very nearly broke.

 Once a ship docks, it is searched for stowaways, spectres, and certain illegal items. If any of these are found, the ship is placed under arrest, and the ship is confescated. The captain and crew are tried and sentenced, often becoming new equipment for the ship. This generally only happens to those who carry specteres, or those who are too broke to bribe the harbormaster. Should the ship be free from these items, it is charged a tarriff, and docking fee in proportion to the value of it's cargo and/or passengers. Once this is paid the ship and it's crew, are free to go about it's business.

 Some ships use the New York harbor as it's base of operations. The noteable ones include; the Caroline, Seabreeze, and the Paramour. Those ships that do this are charged less for docking fees, but are charged ten percent on their business fees.

 Not all the ships found in the harbor are traders or passenger ships, the Necropolis also has warships at it's disposal. These are used to discourage pirates, and spectere crewed ships. The Necropolis currently has seven warships in use, they are; Odessa, Caramon, Franklin, Maximillian, Saratoga, Lassiter, and the Warsaw. These ships patrol the harbor regularly, and are responsible for keeping the peace.

 Six months ago, the Legion of Fate commisioned the building of a new ship, the Ulysses. It was completed ahead of schedule and the crew were handpicked. The command staff consisted of the 82nd Cohort and it's crew of other seamen of previous ships.

 The Ulysses initial voyage proved that not only was he a diplomatic ship, but also could hold his own on the high Tempest. The ship survived several ship to ship battles and brought it's crew home safely.


New York City