Usher, High priest of the Church of the Blighted Sun

Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Fanatic

 Little is known about the Spectre who calls himself Usher. It is rumored that he was once a gunfighter in the old west. Others say that he is a fallen priest. Whichever the case, he is unredeemable now and pledges his afterlife to the service of the Malfean Markova.

 He was once a prominent spy for the Blighted Sun, but after his being destroyed by the 82nd, he is now a Nephwrack and can no longer pass for a wraith. His hatred for the 82nd is what drives him now.

Dark Arcanoi;
Argos 2
Moliate 3
Puppetry 4
Larceny 3
Contaminate 2
Shroud Rending 3