
 Subversives, the word brings fear to the heart of any Hierarchy Official who hears it. Rumors abound in the Hierarchy about this secretive faction of Renegades. Some say that they are assassins, other say they are elite spies, and those who know that both rumors are true don't exist very long.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by Frequency)

Common Shadows (Ranked by Frequency)

Any Attribute can be primary, though social often is.

Common Abilities
Acting and investigation are the most highly taught and sought after skills.

Common Arcanoi
The most common Arcanoi are Mnemosynis, and Moliate. They are used in every aspect of Subversive operation.

 The Subversives have only one method of combating the Hierarchy. They have used it for a very long time, and practice makes perfect. The Subversives study a particular corrupt Hierarchy official, then organize a Cohort(called a Murder)
that has easy access to the target(called a Boundman).
 The Murder study the Boundman until they feel that the time is right. the Murder then Moliates one of their members
into the exact visage of the Boundman. The Murder then kidnap the Boundman and replace him temporarily with
the Moliated member(called an Actor).
 The Murder then use extensive Mnemosynis upon the Boundman, transferring his memories to another of their group
(called a Thespian). when all the memories are transferred, the Actor is replaced by the Thespian. The Thespian then
begins to either discredit the Boundman, or take his place and right all the crimes that the Boundman committed. When
he is done, the Thespian fakes his own Obliviation, and rejoins his group.
 The Boundman, if he was discredited, has his memories wiped of the kidnapping, and returned to his position to face the music. If he was replaced, he is soulforged.
 When the assignment is over both the Actor and the Thespian, are returned to their old visages and the Murder move
on to the next target. This method is called Boundings.
The makeup of a Murder
 A Murder generally has from three to four members, each specializing in an aspect of their job. They specialize
in Mnemosynis, Moliate, acting, and investigation. this allows each member to concentrate on his particular task, as
one slip up can bring utter disaster.
 The Subversives are very different from the other factions of Renegades in their opinion of the Hierarchy. They believe
that the Hierarchy is a good organization, it is certain corrupt officials that drag it's ideals down. They hope that by
eliminating these officials, the Hierarchy may once again be the force for good it once was.

 Guild Affiliation
 Not surprisingly, the Mnemoi, and the Masquers, are the patrons of this renegade faction. the guilds offer instruction,
inside information, and oboli to the cause. The guilds are smart enough, however, to know not to push this faction,
as they may become their next targets.
Famous Murders
 The Masqs- The Masqs operate out of Los Angeles, and have been involved in over thirty Boundings, between
it's members. they are considered the unofficial leaders of the Subversives.

 The Underground- This Murder, located in Paris, France, is made up of all Actors and Thespians. They are all on
call for those who need a 'professional touch' to their Boundings.

 El Diablo- This Murder is considered very unconventional, even in renegade society. They kidnap their Boundman,
and then announce the deed to the local Hierarchy. they then release the Hierarch and watch as the Hierarchy torture
the 'imposter' for information.
Famous Subversive

 Number One- No one is sure what his real name is. Some say even he isn't sure. No. 1 has been a Thespian twenty
times in his career and is considered the best. he is called upon for only the toughest assignments, and is insulted with
anything less.

Views of the Subversives

 Idealists- "They have the ear of the people, which is good, but they don't do a damn thing with it. A pity."

 Terrorists- "Their methods are a last resort. We want the citizens to understand and join us, not fear and
hate us. They need to learn to deal with their anger."

 The Hierarchy- "Hey there are worse governments. This one is fine, it's the people running it who need to be taken out.
Once we take care of those who use and abuse the system, we'll all be better off."

  The Heretics- "I have never seen anyone Transcend, so I don't believe. On the other hand, when I was still alive I
never saw a ghost either..."