![]() ![]() ![]() The others begin to file out as he watches, his eyes passive. She feels a hand upon her shoulder, "Stay." he says. "We have much to discuss." Brianna turns, still feeling weak from the after effects of her first vision. She looks at Ahuru questioningly, frowning to herself as she again feels a strange recognition that she doesn't understand. Ahuru looks down at her, his eyes go soft for a moment, then once again, passive. "You wish a teacher in this power that you have. I can teach you to control it, to harness it. To use it for the good of all." He says his hand outstretched. "You can?" Brianna looks relieved. "I..I would like that, very much. This is all so strange, and confusing.." she sees Ahuru's outstretched hand and takes it in hers. Taking her hand he walks her past the exhibit. "You are young yet, and soon these secrets will be all second nature to you. Do not be afraid, your gift is strong." He stops near a scarcophogas "You have the mark of Fate. She is with you, and you will come to know her secrets, her thoughts...the future." "Fate is a woman? A person?" Brianna questions. He smiles, "Yes, very much a woman. You are her child as much as I or anyone with the gift." he puts his hand upon her shoulders and turns her to face him. "A warning, what I shall teach you will be difficult. A responsibility given only to those strong enough in will to understand. The path is hard, how far will you go?" Smiling, Ahuru nods and looks back at the exhibit piece. "Wise beyond your years. Come then. Learn the lessons I teach well, for they will win the day when all seems lost." Brianna lowers her head, and her hair falls off of her shoulder to hang about her face in a curtain. Searching deep within herself, she recalls words that her grandmother spoke to her, when she was just learning to use her gift of Magick. She looks up at Ahuru and nods. "I understand this. The trials in our life are meant to strengthen, not weaken us. I have been chosen for a reason.. and I will do all that I can to live up to my responsibility." Brianna looks around the exhibit curiously, then back at Ahuru. "How long have you been here? Do you teach all the Disciples of Fate?" "I have been here...always. No, I have not. We learn on our own, we learn what we must and continue our journey through this," he says motioning about himself. "I will teach you what you must know. You are destined, that is enough." Brianna blinks in surprised. "Destined for what?" "Soon...enough your first lesson is in here. Know what you must, question what you do not. But know some things cannot be changed."he says his eyes turn sad for a moment. "What is wrong?" Brianna asks with concern, noticing Ahuru's sad expression. "Is there anything I can do?" "It is nothing. Now watch..." he closes his eyes and he sways a bit as his fatalism marks begin to writhe across his body. After a moment he opens his eyes and looks to you. "That will happen each time you begin a vision. At first they will overwhelm you, you will fall, and sleep, but soon you will begin to control it, it will not be a heavy burden." Brianna watches with fascination as the marks twist and dance on Ahuru's skin. She pulls her gaze away and looks up into Ahuru's eyes. "Can I learn to control when a vision will occur? Or will they come on suddenly like earlier today?" "At first they will come unbidden to you. Then as you grow stronger, more aware, you may control them. You will always have visions that come unwanted, but they will be less and less as time grows on." He walks further down the hall. Brianna follows Ahuru, thinking. "If a vision comes unbidden... can you supress it? I mean, if you had to have full concentration on what you were doing.. could you keep the vision from overtaking you?" He nods, "As you grow stronger yes, but that is not what is intended. When a vision come it is best to heed it, for it is the Lady who has come to you." "What if you do not understand what she is trying to tell you?" Brianna asks. "How do you know what she is saying?" "You will know, you will feel, taste touch, all she shows you. It is for you to understand what is shown. Her voice comes with clarity, and mystery." he smiles, "A woman like many and unlike known." Brianna smiles. "If she is a person... has anyone ever seen her? Does she reside here? Is she a wraith like us?" questions come unbidden to Brianna's lips as she tries to understand her new life. "Yes and no. Now try to find a vision within yourself, close your eyes," he says as he puts his hand upon your face gently closing your eyes with his fingers. "Concentrate...what do you see?" You see a man turn to you, he looks younger, he is smiling his hand touches yours. A gentle touch. "Always you...always." The vision fades and Ahuru stand before you looking down. Brianna feels a strange sensation , another thrill of recognition, but dismisses it as an effect of the Fatalism powers coursing through her. "I..I saw someone.. I think I know him, but I'm not sure. Could it have been Connor?" she asks hopefully. A gentle look crosses his face, "Perhaps, it is for you to decide. That is the nature of Fate. It is your interpretation..." Brianna frowns thoughtfully. "But it didn't feel like him..." she murmurs to herself, confused. Shaking her head, she looks back up at Ahuru. "Thank you so much for helping me...already I know that this is not going to be an easy path." "It never is, sacrifices will be made, friends will be lost to you. Lovers shall die, but all for the good of the whole. This is the life given to you." Brianna feels anguish at hearing those words. "Will they die because of me?" she asks, pleading with Ahuru to answer no. "No, " he says and turns his back to her as he continues down the hall. He stops a moment and turns his head, "It is because they must..." Brianna brushes her hair back from her face, a nervous habit left over from younger days, and walks faster to catch up to Ahuru, but she slows when she senses his melancholy mood. Not understanding, she remains silent, waiting for him to speak. "There is a question," he says as he stops near a window. Lightning strikes and illiuminates his face for just a moment. "Yes?" Brianna responds, watching Ahuru curiously. "Ask them, I await." "Why do I feel as if I know you? Is it the Fatalism? Could I have had it while I was alive?" "Yes, no. We are bound as student and teacher...and much else. You will learn this as time goes on. For now it is enough." Brianna wonders at Ahuru's cryptic answer, then asks, "Is it possible to contact the living world? Do our visions ever concern the living?" "Yes, and often. You will see their future, their past, lives gone past, and yet to be. All this shall be within your power." "Can we be reborn again? Will I never return to the world? I don't understand why my Avatar is silent.. has it left me?" Brianna's eyes tear up, but she blinks them away, focusing her will on control. "I do not know. That is a question you must answer for yourself." He turns to you and looks into your eyes. "Weep not for your life lost. You have many things yet to do. Consider it preperation for these times." Brianna hastily wipes away the tears, embarrassed to have let her emotions sweep away her control. "I'm sorry..." He smiles gently, "Do not regret your emotions, whatever they may be." Brianna smooths back her hair, and wipes away the last vestige of her tears with the back of her hand. "So..hmmm.. do the Fatalists ever get together as a group? Do they have any sort of heirarchy or leadership..?" "Yes, but that is located far away from here. For now, concern yourself with the task at hand, and that is New York." He opens a door and lets you into his chambers. Many old Egyptian artifacts find their place upon the walls. Webbing covers the entire room. Brianna looks with much interest at the artifacts in the room, and the webbing that covers most of the free space. "How can I use these powers to help us find out more about Markova?" "As you learn more of him, you will feel a connection to him. Take care for he shall feel your interference." "Will I be able to sense if someone is trying to find me?" Brianna asks, feeling nervous at the thought that people could be watching her without her knowledge. "Yes, as you grow stronger you will." He sits in the middle of the web, and motions for you to sit as well. Brianna looks uncertainly at the web, but trusting Ahuru, she sits delicately on the fine strands. "The Web of Fate tightens around you and your friends, soon events will begin. An avalanche of truth will fall upon us all. Remember this well, my apprentice." He says closing his eyes for a moment. "Can we do more than observe events? Can we actually learn to control them?" Brianna asks, eyes intent on Ahuru. "Certain events, yes, others no. Some things must happen, it is the will of the Lady. We are merely messengers of her voice." he opens his eyes once more and again a smile plays upon his lips. Brianna tucks her legs underneath her, settling more comfortably on the webbing. "Why do you chose such an unnatural form?" she asks suddenly, still studying him. "I have noticed that most people choose to appear as they did in life.. did you not care for your mortal appearance?" He chuckles a moment, "I appear as I see myself. You will understand given time and instruction." He motions and a short man walks into the room bearing two glasses. He sets one down in front of you, the other in front of Ahuru. "Drink." Brianna picks up one of the glasses and takes a sip. The drink is sweet and very pleasent, bearing a taste quite close to wine. "What is this?" Brianna asks in surprise, savoring the taste. "It is the wine of my youth, when I breathed still. Enjoy it, then you must join your friends. I have taught you all I can this day." "Thank you!" Brianna takes another sip, enjoying the new flavor. "And thank you again, for helping me... I've felt so lost ever since.. well, ever since I died, this means so much to me.." "You are not lost, you are where you must be. Take comfort in that. Now go, we shall speak again." He then closes his eyes and speaks no more. Brianna swiftly stands, placing the cup back on it's tray and silently leaves the room, her thoughts awhirl.