General Markova Glascius,
Malfean god of the Blighted Sun

 Very little is known about Markova save that he was a Roman general, and during a particularly blood campaign in the Mediteranian he cooked and served his prisoners of war to his men. He also ate the feast, finding no aversion to the flesh of man. His dark appetites were discovered and Markova was executed by the Romans in an extremely gruesome manner.

  After crossing the Shroud, he continued his cannabalistic endevours and with a deep hatred for anything Roman, began a war against the Hierarchy. He then seemingly disappeared, only to reappear hundreds of years later, a spectre.

  No one alive has seen Markova in five hundred years, except possibly his high priest Usher. There are rumors now that he has eaten so many wraiths that he has made himself a Malfean. Those are the rumors...and they are all too true.