The Events of the War

"They rely on our fear for their
victory. Now I ask you to draw a
line in the sand, and show them
that we are no longer afraid!"
-Overlord of the Legion of Paupers,
Paul the Younger to his troops,
before the Battle of Washigton Park

Day 1:
 The 44th patrol of the Emerald Legion, stumbles upon a large gathering of spectres. All of the spectres have markings on their chests depicting an eclipse. The patrol reports back to the Hall of the Lost, Anaceron Hopper calls for a council meeting.

Day 2:
 The 44th patrol fails to report for duty. Several patrols search the Necropolis for them, but they are no where to be found. Anaceron Hopper asks the council for security measures. Anaceron Ambrose of the Seat of Fate sides with Hopper.

Day 6:
 The Hall of Oracles is attacked en masse by several cohorts of spectres. Anaceron Ambrose is forced to evacuate the Hall with the remainder of her forces. The spectres act strangely distraught as if they were looking for something...or someone.

Day 8-9:
 Several patrols sent to investigate the Hall of Oracles do not return.

Day 11:
  The Hall of Misery is attacked and overtaken by a large spectre force. Anaceron Ridley narrowly escapes with his corpae intact. Anacerons Ridley, Ambrose, and Hopper all lobby the Governor to call a State of Emergency.

Day 12:
 The Governor calls a State of Emergency. Patrols are doubled across the Necropolis, and a Call to Arms is given to the civillian populace.

Day 13:
  The Hall of Silence is lost to the spectres. Anaceron LadyAnne escapes, and finds refuge in the World Trade Center.

Day 14:
 The Hall of Mystery, Ellis Island, is attacked, but the spectres are turned back by a small contingent of Hierarchy legionnaires led by Chancellor Paul the Younger.

Day 15-16:
 The Hall of the Wisdom is attacked. The Iron Legion led by Anaceron Morrow, make a heroic attempt to keep the Hall, but it eventually falls.

Day 17:
 The Hall of Madness falls easily to the spectres. Anaceron John Leahy, retreats to the World Trade Center.

Day 18-19:
 The World Trade Center is attacked by the largest spectre force yet. The siege lasts two days, and the casualties recorded are in the thousands. The combined Legion forces push back the spectres and secure the Hall.

Day 20-25:
 Various skirmishes are reported all over the Necropolis. Most of them are won by the spectres. Washington Park becomes a refugee camp for those civillians who have lost their haunts and Halls.

Day 26-31:
 The various Dark Kingdom domains are attacked, the domians are kept secure, but the casualties hurt the Dark Kingdoms securities.

Day 32:
 The 9th Patrol of the Silent Legion discover a large force of spectres heading towards Washington Park. They immediately report back to Anaceron LadyAnne. LadyAnne sends the word out on the street, and newly appointed Overlord Paul the Younger, gathers several patrols and civillian cohorts. Paul secrets the refugees from the park and moves them to the World Trade Center. He replaces the refugees with his legionnaires.

Day 33:
 The Battle of Washington Park- The spectre forces led by a mysterious Nephrack, attack the refugee camp in Washington Park. The spectres are taken by surprise and the battle is a near route for them. The mysterious Nephwrack escapes.

Day 34-36:
 Two days of relative calm for the Hierarchy as no spectre attacks are reported. It feels like the quiet before the storm...

Day 37:
 The Hall of the Lost is attacked. Anaceron Hopper is forced to retreat to Ellis Island.

Day 38:
 The Ulysses arrives in harbor. She is badly damaged, but her crew are unharmed. The command staff are re-assigned while she is being repaired.

Day 39:
 The 82nd Cohort meets with the Jadian Consulate, Kasagami. They ask him to help the Hierarachy in the war effort, at first he declines then later changes his mind. He sends twelve warriors to join in the war.

Day 40:
 The 82nd Cohort meets with the Swarian Consulate, Veruku-Singh. They ask him to join forces with the Hierarchy in defending the Necropolis. He agrees, and sends fifty men to the front.

Day 41-46:
  Various skirmishes occur around the Necopolis. Most are won by the spectres.

Day 47:
 The Charlies Pride, a cargo ship, is attacked and destroyed. All her crew are lost including former 82nd Cohort member, Gerard. The 82nd Cohort meet with the combined Renegade and Heretic camps. They ask for help in the war effort. John Collins agrees on the condition that after the war, Martial Law will be lifted.

Day 48:
 The Battle for Washington Park- Anaceron Mateo gathers a force of his legionnaires to stave off the advancing spectres. The tactic fails and it is a route for the Hierarchy. Anaceron Mateo is one of the casualties. Paul the Younger is named as the new Anaceron of the Legion of Paupers.

Day 50:
 The Battle of the World Trade Center-A large spectral forces attacks the weakend defenses of the Hall of Order. Despite the brave efforts of the Hierarchy, the Hall is lost, and Anaceron Paul the Younger, is nowhere to be found and feared lost.

Day 51:
 The Governor and the Priest of the Blighted Sun meet in neutral territory to discuss terms of surrender. Deter refuses to give up the Necropolis. Paul the Younger returns.

Day 52:
 The Allied forces are pushed back to the docks. A large Mist is seen heading towards the docks. Inspired by the Governor's speech, the Allied forces ready themselves for a final stand. The mist clears and in it's wake are fifty ships from the Dark Kingdom of Amenti. Help has arrived.

Day 53-60:
 The Allied forces gather and reorganize themselves with the Amenti. A battle plan is reached and lines are drawn.

Day 61:
 Ambassador Ahuru, and Ambassador Veruku-singh convince the Dark Kingdom of Swar to send troops and aid for the Necropolis.

Day 62-64:
 The siege of the Hall of Silence-The Allied forces lay siege to the spectre held Hall of Silence. The battle lasts two days in victory for the Allies, the spectre's are nearly routed.

Day 65:
 Ambassador Kirosawa makes an uscheduled visit to Governor Deter. The two talk in private. It is announced that two hundred men are arriving from the Dark Kingdom of Jade to join the war.

Day 66:
 The tempestship Srilanka carrying Swarian aid is attacked and destroyed by spectres.

Day 67:
 The Allied forces, led by Anaceron Paul the Younger, attack the spectre held Hall of Wisdom. The attack lasts three hours in victory for the Allies.

Day 69-73:
 The Siege of the Hall of Order-The Allied forces send a major detachment to reclaim the World Trade Center. The siege lasts several days, and finally ends in defeat for the Allies.

Day 74-78:
 Several attacks on Allied patrols are made. Many of these patrols are lost during the fighting.

Day 79:
 The Ninth Patrol of the Silent legion are sent to recon the World Trade Center. They do not return.

Day 80:
 The Allies attack en masse the World Trade Center. After only one day, the Allies are forced to retreat.

Day 81-89:
 With the major defeat of the Allies at the World Trade Center, many Heretic and Renegade camps leave the Allies and strike out on their own. Governor Deter tries to convince them to stay, but is unsuccessful.

Day 90-92:
 The Allies attack and relcaim the Hall of Oracles. The spectres flee the Hall and in turn attack the Dark Kingdom of Ivory's hold in Harlem. The Ambassador escapes and pledges to help in the war.

Day 93-95:
 Several wraiths vanish into thin air. Rumors abound about their whereabouts. The Council assigns the 82nd to investigate.

Day 96:
 The 82nd learn the truth of the matter, that a Dark Risen is destroying the fetters of the missing wraiths. Their investigation leads them to the Dark Risen and they destroy it.

Day 96-101:
 Several attacks are reported along the Hierarchy borders. Many end in victory for the Allies.

Day 102:
 A strange new spectre is seen leading the attacks along the border. These attacks all end in victory for the spectres.

Day 103:
 A lone legionnaire is rescued. He is incoherent and speaks only three words, "Lady of Shadows".

Day 104-105:
 More attacks throughout the city, one of them is the the Hall of Wisdom. During the attack, Anaceron Hopper is carried off by the Lady of Shadows.

Day 106:
 The Ulysses encounters the Insdoru to find her scuttled and her passengers destroyed. Captian John Smith engages the Lady of Shadows and kills her, during the fight, Scar kills him.

Day 107:
  The Ninth Patrol return and rejoin the Hierarchy. They are welcomed back as heroes.

Day 108-109:
  Anaceron Ridley of the Gaunt Legion, rallies his men and leads a daring attack against the spectre held Hall of Misery. The attack is a success and the Hall is retaken.

Day 110-114:
  Anaceron Ridley and Anaceron Paul the Younger, lead an attack on the spectre held World Trade Center. The hall is finally taken and Usher, the High Priest of the Blighted Sun, is captured and forged into the Tree of Sorrow. Thus ending the war. The remaining spectres flee New York