Erik Sarensen, of the Legion of Fate
Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Loner


Before he reached the age of five, Erik was being regularly beaten by his Ahroun Get of Fenris father, who couldn't stand to see a son who wasn't a werewolf, or even very strong. These beatings, coupled with alienation by his peers, made him a very bitter and angry person by the age of nine.

At this point, Erik began to observe society, noticing the intricacies of his peers and the other people around him. At the same time, he read a lot into psychology and theology, in an attempt to understand why his father and peers acted the way they did. Finally, this quest for knowledge sent him to study the occult. During his delving into the occult, he vowed to himself that he would keep himself under control, so as to one day better control others. He learned how to interact with people, and how to avoid social taboos, and looked into science as a way of explaining more about the world.

At the age of 13, he met Sam, a girl of similar interests and experiences(except for the werewolf father). He was too wrapped up in his own studies to take too much notice of her, although her face lingered in his mind quite often. When he turned 18, his life began to turn around. His subtle usage of his new abilities, occult and mundane, allowed himself to insinuate himself so much into his peers that for the first time in his life, he was accepted by everyone. A few weeks before school ended before the final exams, he began to open the minds of his peers, showing them that there is more out there than just what we can feel and touch. At the end of that week, he had his peers thinking in his manner, questioning everything, and two other great things happened. First, he was accepted to Harvard, which fulfilled one life long dream, and he finally gathered the courage to ask his other half out, after the exams, and gave her a silver necklace with "Never lose your faith" engraved on it. She accepted.

That night, he returned home after a little party with his friends and proceeded to tell his parents of his accomplishment, namely his acceptance into Harvard. Before he finished his sentence, his father, who always hated thoughtful types, shifted into Glabro form and began to beat Erik worse than he was ever beaten in his life. He spent the next couple weeks in bed, with some strange old native man chanting and rubbing herbs into his wounds. This increased the pain, but also made him heal faster. The night before he was to return to school and write his exams, he awoke to the sound of an out of season whipporwill calling outside his window. Suddenly, giant black deformed werewolves burst into the house and began to slaughter his parents before his eyes, and then slowly killing him.

He awoke in a strange place, with some slippery thing slipping off his face, and a bunch of strange, demonic creatures harassing him.  He was quickly rescued by a strange group of people, who gave him the bad news.  Erik was dead.  He began to travel with these people, but the voice of his Shadow, coming in many different forms and effects, is making Erik a little tense.  He greatly fears this percieved loss of control, and sees it as yet another weakness of his.  To compensate, he becomes very angry, and tends to lash out at whoever happens to be nearby.  The malfean Markova sent spectres to attack Sam in an attempt to destroy more of the group.  It succeeded.  Erik was sent into a Harrowing, and has succeeded in freeing himself from his Shadow's grip.


Embody  2

Pandemonium  3

Phantasm  3

Keening  1

Lifeweb  1


Erik Sarensen is a dark haired young adult of about 18. He wears a black T-Shirt that reads, in white: "Carpe Noctem", and faded and torn blue jeans. He usually has either an expression of grim determination, as if he's suffering through something, or a more pensive and examining look, as if he's evaluating the world around him. In his pockets are a deck of old playing cards(a few are missing), his wallet, and a silver key chain.

He is extremely smart, but has been conditioned not to really show it.  He has an intolerance of idiots, but is not usually vocal about his intolerance.  Rather, he just sits there, and points out flaws in person as time passes and they become more obvious.  His Eidolon and his Shadow both talk to him, but there is a difference in the way his Eidolon and his Shadow talk to him.

 Erik has Fate's mark upon him, and since he has rarely been exposed to company that he felt he was welcome in, Erik and his Eidolon are beginning to be more at peace in the 82nd, although Erik gets frightened of the voices in his head because he sees it as himself losing control, something he fears almost more than the end of his existance.  Erik is now intensely angry at his "former friends" because he feels they left him to die, helping Remy because he happened to be "better", and the "leader".  It will take time for these wounds to heal, and no one can tell what scars they may leave behind...

Eric's Destruction Harrowing