Idealists. It sounds harmless, serene, but an idea against a political body Is a dangerous sword. The word spreads and soon it is on the minds of All the citizens. The idea is a virus. Or so the Hierarchy believes. It wages a war upon these Renegades that is made up of scare tactics and Gestapo tricks. The Idealists know this, yet they are more concerned with your freedom than their own. They spread their ideas through street-preaching, late night meetings, and entertainment.
Common Shadows(Ranked by frequency)
Social Attributes are primary, and anything can be secondary.
Common Abilities
Common Arcanoi
The most common and useful arcanoi are Keening and Phantasm. Both are used
to get the message to the masses.
Streetpreaching- This method involves the wraith standing on a corner
or other busy area Of a Necropoli and shouting anti-Hierarchy propaganda
to passerby's. Keening is very useful here as well as expression and performance.
What it'll get you: Usually the Hierarchy will disperse the crowd and take
the preacher to HQ. There they'll try and scare him into not doing it again.
If it happens again he can expect a beating within an inch of his corpus.
The Secret Meeting- This method is very involved. A renegade will watch
a prospective "rebellious" citizen for a time. He will then approach
the wraith and discuss Hierarchy evils with him. If the wraith seems interested,
the wraith will take him to a meeting with his Thought mates. Here they
will try and convince the wraith to work with them.
What it'll get you- If you aren't careful, this could blow up in your face.
Most Thoughts do not engage in this sort of recruitment. It is far too
dangerous to try.
The Reporter- This method has a wraith follow(hopefully very stealthily)
a patrol of Legionnaires. The wraith will Keen out the patrols whereabouts
every block or so. This will allow any renegades in the area to vacate
to safer ground.
What it'll get you- Beaten very badly. Also some patrols see this as high
treason and will destroy the offending wraith on the spot.
The Entertainer- This involves a wraith writing a dreamplay with an
anti-Hierarchy message. Phantasm, expression, and good actors make this
a winning technique and usually garners the support of citizens.
What it'll get you- Believe it or not, an entertainer is relatively safe
from persecution. The citizenry love a good dreamplay and any actions against
their favorite Sandmen will bring about a great stink about it.
Guild Affiliation
While the Renegades are generally hated and feared, some guilds find them
useful. These guilds use the Renegades to try to garner citizen support
of the Guilds. They also use them for recruitment and as couriers. The
Idealists have long been allied with, and supported by the Artificers,
Chaunters, and the Sandmen Guilds. These guilds have helped by offering
advice, oboli, and training in their respective arcanoi. Not all Idealists
agree with being supported by these guilds. They see this as fighting one
political body, while selling their souls to another.
The Screamers- This Thought has been very active in the New York Necropolis, and are hunted by Deter's men. Not only do they have a message, but they back up that message with violence against those who seek to silence them.
Theatrical Troupe of Hamlet- This troupe of Sandmen and actors travel from Nec. to Nec. Putting on their very popular dreamplays. What the Hierarchy doesn't know is that in these plays are various messages and signals used to communicate with other renegades. These messages include; patrol movements, locations of thrall trains, and other sensitive information.
Terrorists- "Violence isn't the first and only answer to this. They unwittingly destroy those who our message is for. I understand them, but wish they would try to understand us."
Subversives- "Knocking off Tyrants is a noble idea. The problem is that there is always someone worse or just as bad to take his place."
The Hierarchy- "While no government is perfect, this one is far off the mark. It's up to us to spread the word of revolution through the halls of Tyranny."
The Heretics- "Some of these cults are fine, and truly care about it's parishoners. While others are just as bad as the Hierarchy."